Of all the treasures hidden inside coffins around the world, the "black coffin treasure" of the Philippines is the most controversial of them all.
It's because a number of sea or underwater explorers claims that they have found them. And in exchange, they are expecting for a huge sum of reward.
According to some sources, the black coffin treasures are made out of pure metallic boxes. And each of the boxes, there's a unique serial numbers that are marked on them.
As stated above, many individuals claims that they have found the location of the black coffins. However, the majority of those boxes are probably fakes.
According to some sources, the black coffin treasures are made out of pure metallic boxes. And each of the boxes, there's a unique serial numbers that are marked on them.
As stated above, many individuals claims that they have found the location of the black coffins. However, the majority of those boxes are probably fakes.
The only possible way to determine the authenticity of the boxes is to acquire their serial numbers. If it matches the record held by the US Navy then they are the real black coffin treasure.
The one responsible for hiding the black coffin treasure were the US Navy way back in the past World War 2. They dropped these boxes somewhere in the Philippines seas.

US Navy and the Black Coffin Treasures
The one responsible for hiding the black coffin treasure were the US Navy way back in the past World War 2. They dropped these boxes somewhere in the Philippines seas.
Unfortunately, the US Military historical records doesn't know the exact locations of where these items were dropped.
For those who are claiming that they have found these black coffins and expecting money as a finder's fee, the US Military have released a statement that they are not giving any rewards out there who finds them.
For those who are claiming that they have found these black coffins and expecting money as a finder's fee, the US Military have released a statement that they are not giving any rewards out there who finds them.
This means that they do not have enough interest in acquiring them back.
The black coffin doesn't actually contain treasures or any valuable loot in the past WW2. It is said that it contains a highly dangerous element called, "Plutonium".
In WW2, plutonium were used in nuclear weapons (Atomic Bomb). These weapons were actually the once used by the Americans that finally ended the second world war.
Today, plutonium are being used on nuclear reactors which produces an alternative source of energy.
Going back to the second world war particularly at the time when the war finally came to an end, the US Military had more than enough plutonium that remained on their supply which were of no longer use to them.
What's Inside the Black Coffin Treasure?
The black coffin doesn't actually contain treasures or any valuable loot in the past WW2. It is said that it contains a highly dangerous element called, "Plutonium".
In WW2, plutonium were used in nuclear weapons (Atomic Bomb). These weapons were actually the once used by the Americans that finally ended the second world war.
Today, plutonium are being used on nuclear reactors which produces an alternative source of energy.
Going back to the second world war particularly at the time when the war finally came to an end, the US Military had more than enough plutonium that remained on their supply which were of no longer use to them.
So they placed them inside tightly sealed boxes which is now known as the black coffins.
And for some unknown reason, the US Navy dropped them off somewhere in the Philippine sea and never kept a record on their exact locations.
Since the black coffin boxes contains plutonium, anyone who are exposed into this type of highly toxic silvery radioactive metallic element will suffer a slow death.
And for some unknown reason, the US Navy dropped them off somewhere in the Philippine sea and never kept a record on their exact locations.
The Black Coffins are Highly Dangerous
Since the black coffin boxes contains plutonium, anyone who are exposed into this type of highly toxic silvery radioactive metallic element will suffer a slow death.
They will experience an unknown type of illness then sooner or later, they will most likely die. It's like poison.
If it happens that you found the black coffins underwater, it is not advisable that you open or puncture any part of the boxes.
If it happens that you found the black coffins underwater, it is not advisable that you open or puncture any part of the boxes.
This will cause the element to leak-out which is impossible for you to escape away from being contaminated. Only underwater robotic machines can recover these boxes out from the surface.
However, if you are just an average or ordinary Joe then all what you can do is to take the serial number of the boxes.
However, if you are just an average or ordinary Joe then all what you can do is to take the serial number of the boxes.
You have to stencil the coffins underwater and perhaps bring it to any US Military organization that can help you out.
Already mentioned above, plutonium can be used for nuclear weapons. And today, there's a growing threat of terrorist worldwide.
What if the Black Coffin Treasures Have Fallen into the Wrong Hands?
Already mentioned above, plutonium can be used for nuclear weapons. And today, there's a growing threat of terrorist worldwide.
What if these bad guys managed to grab these black coffins into their possession and turned it into one devastating nuclear weapon?
At some point, these black coffin treasures needs to be recovered before they could fall into the wrong hands.

At some point, these black coffin treasures needs to be recovered before they could fall into the wrong hands.
Would you like to redeem the black coffin? We have here in philippines.
We exactly know where the black coffin was..it was found by my father and we have the serial number...i wont give it just enlightened me why you are interested....actually i have no ideas with this..but i want to secure the security of my father...
Okay, they are negotiating on it as of now. I know that there are thousands of black coffins and we know some of it. Those with serial numbers.
my father's friend accidentally found a black coffin here in philippine archepelago in a wreck american battle ship, the diver said it was leaking out and releases a electric current but tolerable, cf-98 and u-239 and one of the serial # IC4068,if im not mistaken,hope their lives wouldn't be indanger,
In the first place, why would the American Navy dropped them? If those Black Coffins do contain Plutonium then they knew that it was a very expensive item. So dropping them into the sea is something that needs some explanation.
Sure, do you have the Serial Number?
Those Black Coffins contains something valuable that many powerful people are interested about which includes the US Military.
You have to read my post about the danger of Plutonium exposure. Anyway, you have to make sure if those are the right serials so that I can confirm it to the list of authentic serials.
You are correct. But according to some sources, the Navy dropped those Black Coffins right after the was had ended. Their excuse was that, Plutonium are no longer necessary so they dropped it on the sea. Other than that, they were a heavy load for their ship. And since the navy were in a hurry to see their families, unloading those coffins will make their ship sail a little bit faster.
just dropping it somewhere sounds a little careless to me, what if the coffin started to break for some reasons? this should be addressed to the United Nations (there are 6 coffins found in our place btw)
my friends bart i think it is hard to stencil that things as far as i know that there is a radation over that so called black coffin
Yes, you have to report them to the US but please be informed that you will not receive any reward or compensation for doing it. But at least, it makes your place safe.
Yes, it is hard to stencil it underwater. This is the reason why you need to wear proper diving equipment in order to safely do it.
Is this thing wight about 1475 kg and about 7ft long heavy metal box and if so is it possible that someone find it bared 12ft under ground
thank you.
I just want to ask how to process this.. we have a black coffin with the serial # 5927 serial # IC 18.. please reply thanks
This are the serial # of the black coffin found MG236-15
CN-G60133 just want to know authenticity of the serial numbers.,.
Hi bart towson can I talk to you about black coffin you have facebook acount?
sir bart,this black coffin a thousand to tens of thousand they recover somewhere in the philippines,here the serial #'s of one item they found American Radiator 101151, P4275 3.5, P4275 2.6, P4275 18, P4275 32, P4275 36, (251) +3U 235 IC 9808 EUFO
Method of redeemtion Black coffins email wongyung2912@gmail.. We can discuss more later.. WhatsApp +6737199381
We are requesting the Black Coffin submissions. The key element is the exact satellite location.
As these boxes are not owned...it is agreed that a reward of US$20T per box will be paid to the bringer of the assets.
REQUIRED IS the most updated KYC you have.
The Black Coffin process is an extraordinary case, they have all been identifiedby radioactive signature by drone. 140,000 are claimed by the military but there are still thousands 'unclaimed'.
Longitude/latitude coordinates for a specific amount of boxes put forward by keepers/finders allows that person to be registered as the official 'Finders' and acontract is issued for those and 20T per box assigned to an account in the 'finders' name.
It is a first come, first served deal and if anybody else provides the same coordinates for an amount of boxes it is thefirst that will be registered.
It will then be an enormous logistical exercise to lift ALL the Black Coffins including any unclaimed boxes.
There will be NO opportunity for Rolls and Extensions.
None of this adds up to me. Under Nunn-Lugar, the USG paid money to the Russians and others in order to secure fissionable materials. If these sarcophagi contain plutonium from the United States, why wouldn't the USG want them back? And if the USG does not want these back, then why are they marked "Property of the U.S. Government?" So, if they contain toxic material the USG doesn't want back, then why are they marked that way?
How to contact u urgent
I have a INFO about the BLACK COFFIN but i will not take a a risk to get the Serial # cuz everytime i try go near it makes me fill bad. I am from ZAMBOANGA CITY PHILIPPINES.
Bart Towson i have a question, i am from zamboanga city philippine. I have an INFO about that BLACK COFFIN. can i go ask the US military here in out place? US military has a camp here in our place. this is the Serial # CF- ****, CF- ****, OC- **** .
I am from zamboanga... where specific place in zamboanga?
serial is no need 1st .... i need a redeemer ... only i need to the redeemer is the documents that your a really real legal redeemer of sf govt. property black coffin 13 holes ...
I have saw one metal box enclosure coated with alkitran + covered with wornout black celophane with size around triangular ruler all side at weight 5kg more or less . I shoot with automatic film camera at 1 foot distance the camera won't run. i shoot again at 1 meter it run. i have stencil mark U238 on the surface.
Can U identify this?
Mr. Bart,
We want handling fee that's unfair if no reward after all we risk our lives on radiations.
We found one i steel box mark U238 that is Unranium not Polonium.
contact me 09352864848 i hve many blck cofins available
sir.. you can contact me on this number 09294183425.. I already have a buyer of black coffin.. but 1st we its autenticity. Im Davao Del norte
hello everyone, Im from davao del norte and our team is looking for a black coffin. you can contact me on this number 09294183425. we already have a link ta a buyer, but 1st we need it to autenticate.. thank you!
If you have the black coffin with you now, pls me pictures @ paulyao05777@gmail.com
I have Japanese buyer here now in the Philippines.
Pls contact me 09157691980
Satellite based means to many involved on rewards..
We have hundreds of Black Coffins in different parts of the Philippines.Only fool will give the coordinates of each coffins because the box has marked "Property of Pentagon" meaning US can get it for free because those coffins belongs to them. We already lost 3 comrades because we thought those coffins are Japanese Treasure vaults under the sea.So any parties who are willing to give us finder's fee,feel free to contact me.My SkypeID : mgtgenie ..Happy New Year to everyone !!!
i know a location somewhere in the ph,a school of black cofffins talking to a hundreds of it,but if there are no rewards why should i give them the longlat?
We are in the process of purchasing thousands of Black Coffin boxes and will be closing on them soon. We deal in all types of historic objects golden boxes and bonds.5/16/17 watsapp 19554 548 6690
What exactly inside the black coffin,plutonium or uranium?
Arnel. We have 5 black coffin here. Serial no. IC9806 .
Good day Sir Bart.Can i ask u f how to get a reward of black coffin?
My father inlaw and his group had foud a black coffin last November 2017.What we doing for,sir??
Let me know if your father wants to sell them i hqve a buyer that will pay well for one or many. Contact me aldo.berardi@hotmail.com
I have a buyer i wont disclose the offer right here but email me ill share the info
Anyone interested here to buy a land with treasure? Our land is already scanned and detected. We just dont have money to finance the retrieval operation. Anyone interested pls contact me at my email thebards815@gmail.com or 09087375099
To the Coffin pointers or someone who knows one... if you are willing to turn your finds into cash, we can help you.
Disclosing of the buyer info, price, scheme, system, and all there is... will be discussed during the Top Table Meeting.
This is the initial info that will be required from your end:
1. Name of the Pointer
2. Color of each coffin
3. Number of holes of each coffin
4. Serial number of each coffin
Price will vary depending on the number of holes. The lesser the hole, the higher the price. The number of holes will indicate the classification of the chemical content and its danger/hazard level. The fewer the holes, the hazardous it will be to health and environment.
Price is very very rewarding. It will not only be the pointer and the intermediaries that will benefit from the transaction made but also the Philippines as a whole.
Whether you believe me or not is none of my business. There is no need for my team to stack into filing some additional coffins as we have a number of it already waiting for the pay out. My concern is to help you and your family, so better help yourself if you find it reasonable enough.
Pay out will soon take place just within this year after the resetting of monetary bills world wide. Payment will be settled after the pay out of the historical assets.
There is only one Paymaster authorized by Pentagon and US Treasury, so better be aware when dealing with people you do not know yet.
Poverty will be the thing in the past. This country, our Philippines, will soon be great again.
Contact me:
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